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Does Ecosia Actually Plant Trees? Social Search Engine

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  • Post last modified:November 16, 2022

When we heard a search engine used part of its income to plant trees, we couldn’t wait to start using it.  Before giving our appraisal of the free search engine Ecosia, we thought it would be beneficial to review the company to see if they do what they claim, plant trees.  

While initially skeptical, it turns out, based on our research, Yes indeed, Ecosia plants trees.  The more money they make, the more trees they plant. It’s terrific to think as we search; we do something positive for our planet as we search the Internet.

Thanks to Ecosia searches, Ecosia plants trees around the world every 1.3 seconds, according to their homepage.

If you are interested in how Ecosia works, check out my review.

What is Ecosia?

Screenshot from

Unlike other search engines, Ecosia is an online free search engine that uses the money it earns from internet searches to fund tree-planting programs. It is an alternative to Google and Bing and seeks to provide an option much like DuckDuckGo but with the added benefit of a vital social mission.

Even with such a noble mission, Ecosia provides a capable search engine.

Ecosia is committed to planting hundreds of millions of trees. They have already planted over 150 million trees since their launch in 2009. The new search engine is committed to providing a safe and sustainable way to search the internet.

A Very Brief History Of Ecosia

Ecosia was started by Christian Kroll, founder of the green search engine Forestle. While Forestle focused on rainforest conservation, Ecosia took a more proactive approach of funding reforestation projects to fight climate change.

Ecosia started on September 7, 2009, just ahead of the Copenhagen Climate conference. In April 2014, Ecosia became the first German company to be accredited as a B-corporation, a private certification for for-profit companies with a social and environmental mission.

When Ecosia started, its search engine generated results from sources such as Yahoo!, Wikipedia, and Bing.  By 2017, Yahoo! and Wikipedia results were phased out and replaced by Bing as its single source of search results.

Does Ecosia Plant Trees?

Ecosia doesn’t plant trees from searches alone.  Ecosia makes money through ads.  It plants trees based on the revenue it generates from advertisers on its search engine. This is a subtle distinction but important enough to be noted by some reviewers.

So, yes, Ecosia plants trees!

Ecosia is sensitive to where it decides to plant trees.  It realizes it’s important not to disturb the natural ecosystem to prevent negative consequences. Ecosia plants trees in areas that were previously deforested and typically finances projects in dense clusters called ‘forest islands.’

If there used to be a forest in this area, then the site provides an environment where trees can grow.

To return the environment to its previous state, Ecosia makes sure to involve native species. Under some occasional exceptions, Ecosia plants non-invasive fruit or nut trees in agroforestry systems, which can provide money and food for the local population.

Every natural area has a migration of species that come and go. Bare land will have trees in the beginning, and those trees attract animals. When restoring a forest ecosystem, Ecosia makes sure to consider the natural succession of species.

How Does Ecosia Select Areas To Plant?

Ecosia carefully selects projects.  It uses a balanced strategy supporting both humans and nature as the best way to ensure sustainability.  The goal is to build a supportive local community that encourages an understanding of the broader impact of local deforestation.  Ecosia wants to participate in projects that promote a positive attitude toward nature and trees.

Ecosia runs projects with local communities located near deforested areas open to the idea of reforestation. Ecosia wants locals to be aware of the benefits of reforestation but doesn’t want to force them into unwanted programs.  Alternate viewpoints are encouraged when forming a new project and everyone’s opinions are considered.  

If people in the project area have been cutting down trees, the local population must understand that keeping them alive is essential to their survival. If it is likely a potential reforestation project succumbs to the same deforestation policies that caused the original problem, Ecosia won’t participate in that project.

How many trees has Ecosia planted?

As of this writing, Ecosia users have planted over 160 million trees.  

Not every Ecosia search yields a new tree. The search engine needs several clicks for the search engine to create enough income to plant trees. Other search engines generate revenue but do not plant trees. This is what makes Ecosia different and appealing.  

According to Ecosia, planting a tree takes roughly 50 searches in the search engine to plant a tree.

Ecosia provides a tree counter in the search bar to track how many trees have been planted from your actviity.  Even if you don’t click on the ads, Ecosia still makes money and plants trees. The more traffic, the more advertisers pay to display on Ecosia’s search engine.

How does Ecosia make money?

Ecosia’s business model makes money just like Google, with its advertising. 100% of its profits go to reforestation projects. In other words, all the revenue left over after paying its operating costs goes to tree planting.  

As of the writing of this article, the company has invested over 36 million euros with over 13,000 sites planted.

Does Ecosia Take Donations?

No, Ecosia doesn’t take donations.

But wait, Ecosia has a Tree Store!  Anyone can buy from the store, not just Ecosia users.

You can purchase trees for various tree planting projects around the world.  

A certificate of purchase is generated and sent to you.  This makes an excellent gift for an eco-friendly family member, partner, or friend.

The following participating programs are available for purchase.

Trees against wildfires

Increase fire-resistant trees in regions that are becoming more susceptible to climate change. This will be done in collaboration with local firefighters planting trees to fight wildfires.

Trees for Green Game Jam

The Green Game Jam aims to make reforestation a part of games to inspire millions of players to take climate action.

Trees for climate action

Buy trees to be planted in tropical forests in Brazil and Peru, helping to restore Earth’s lungs including mangroves in Madagascar.

Trees for urban equity

Trees in densely populated urban centers have many benefits, including their help to fight the effects of climate change with localized measures. Due to the inequitable distribution of trees in historically redlined districts across the US, wealthier neighborhoods tend to enjoy vastly larger urban forests and their benefits.  Buy trees to plant in poorer Los Angeles’ urban areas.

Trees for Wildlife

Purchase trees for Uganda, Indonesia, and India.  Ecosida collaborates with Jane Goodall Institute in Uganda to help chimpanzees avoid human territory as they move between forest patches. Ecosia works with indigenous communities in Indonesia and protects critically endangered Sumatran orangutans by turning old palm oil plantations into diverse forests.  In India, Ecosia works to plant trees in a home for elephants and tigers.

Impact bundle

Buy a few trees for all of the programs offered in the shop.

Trees that empower women

Trees can be purchased for projects led by women that help improve social position and provide a much-needed alternative income source for people in these regions.

Endangered trees

Buy endangered species for tree planting projects in Cambodia, Brazil, and Australia.

Trees for clean water

Since trees help prevent soil erosion and help to filter water running through them, why not help with tree planting along the bans of the Daka river in Ghana or aquifers in Mexico?  Planting trees can make a significant impact on clean water.

How Are The Store’s Projects Managed?

Ecosia has tree-planting experts that find global partners to grow the trees in critical areas. They provide satellite monitoring and field visits for successful, sustainable ground-level partnerships. Our native and endangered trees are better for the environment and provide a more diverse ecosystem. Mixed forests also offer more benefits than monoculture plantations. And we only plant trees with local communities’ approval.

The Good News About Ecosia

The good news is that Ecosia is legit!

It’s a full-featured search engine with search history, user settings, and even a browser extension for Chrome.  They plant trees around the world.  It is a lot easier than doing it yourself.  Ecosia makes sense for those with limited space to plant a tree on their property – especially if you live in an apartment, condominium, townhome, or coop.


Ecosia’s search engine makes money through advertising like any other search engine but uses its profits to fund tree planting projects worldwide.  Their goal is not to beat Google at the search game but rather combat global warming and fight carbon emissions by financing reforestation projects one tree at a time.  Other search engines don’t do this.  This German company started planting trees in 2009 with its online search revenue and continues today.  I will use it as my Bing default search engine for online searches.

John Keller

I love technology and have worked in the tech industry for many years as a Dev and Leader. I love writing about technology, buying gadgets, and when not writing or working, I like skiing and hiking in the mountains of Washington State.