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The Surprising Edge Parents Hold Over Teens in GenAI Savviness

The Family Online Safety Institute’s latest report sheds light on generative AI (genAI). This report deepens our understanding of genAI’s transformative role across generations. It unveils a striking dynamic: parents, often perceived as less tech-savvy, surprisingly hold an edge in genAI knowledge over their teen counterparts. Such revelations underscore the urgency for us to stay abreast of these rapid technological evolutions, lest we find ourselves outpaced by the tools we rely on.

Awareness and Perception Among Generations

A key concept in understanding generative AI (genAI) is its awareness and perception among different age groups. The Family Online Safety Institute’s (FOSI) report reveals a balanced awareness of genAI between teens and parents, unique in tech topics. A recent Pew Research Center survey shows a growing share of Americans expressing concern about AI in daily life, with 52% more concerned than excited. The increase in awareness is linked to this heightened concern, indicating a public grappling with the implications of AI​​.

In a surprising twist to conventional understanding, the FOSI report reveals that many teens acknowledge their parents’ superior understanding of generative AI. This reversal challenges the common assumption that younger generations are always more tech-savvy and highlights generative AI’s cross-generational appeal and complexity.”

Unique to the family context, the FOSI report uncovers specific concerns regarding genAI, including cyberbullying and the erosion of critical thinking skills. Parents worry about the technology’s potential to diminish opportunities for deep analysis and original thought, while teens are aware of its use in sophisticated forms of bullying, reflecting the nuanced implications of genAI on family dynamics.

Balancing Optimism with Concern

The mix of optimism and concern surrounding genAI is pivotal. While FOSI’s report indicates a positive outlook among parents and teens, the Pew survey’s findings suggest a broader public anxiety. This contrast reflects the complexity of genAI’s impact on society: while there are hopeful applications, there’s also a need to consider potential risks and ethical implications carefully.

Despite these concerns, the report notes a predominant sense of optimism among parents about their teens using genAI. This positive sentiment, observed in most parents across various countries, underscores their recognition of genAI’s potential benefits and challenges.

GenAI as a Key Skill for the Future

Recognizing generative AI (genAI) as a crucial component of future skills, the FOSI report exposes how both parents and teens view genAI as integral to staying competitive in future academic and career landscapes. The report highlights a strong consensus among families that genAI is not a fleeting trend but a fundamental aspect of tomorrow’s world. This view is reflected in the data showing that many respondents believe using genAI tools will be essential for success in school or career. Parents and teens are preparing for a future where genAI is deeply embedded in work, school, and personal lives, understanding that adapting to and harnessing these tools will be key to thriving in an increasingly digital world. This foresight aligns with broader educational and workforce trends, where digital and AI literacy are becoming indispensable skills.

This foresight aligns with broader educational and workforce trends, where digital and AI literacy are becoming indispensable skills. Supporting this view, discussions among educators and researchers, including those from OpenAI and Khan Academy, have pointed out the diverse applications of generative AI in education, ranging from content creation to curriculum design. These discussions indicate a growing recognition of genAI’s transformative potential in the educational sphere​​.

Business Integration and the Wave of Disruption

The rapid business integration and disruption caused by genAI is evident in McKinsey’s survey. Businesses are integrating genAI at an unprecedented rate, signaling a shift in workforce dynamics. This requires organizations to rethink their workforce strategy, focusing on reskilling and adapting to new technological paradigms.

The Gap in Risk Management and Preparedness

Finally, both reports emphasize the need for better risk management and preparedness in the context of genAI. McKinsey’s findings show that less than half of businesses address genAI-related risks, particularly inaccuracy. This highlights a significant gap in corporate readiness to handle the challenges of rapidly evolving AI technologies.

Furthermore, the FOSI report emphasizes the critical role of data transparency in addressing concerns around genAI. Parents and teens prioritize transparency in data practices, with many seeking clarity on the authenticity and origin of data used by genAI tools. This highlights the growing need for ethical considerations and transparent practices in developing and deploying genAI technologies.


The combination of awareness, optimism, future skills, business disruption, and risk management forms the core of the ongoing conversation about genAI. As society and businesses continue to navigate these waters, understanding and addressing these key concepts will be crucial in shaping genAI’s impact and its integration into our daily lives and work environments.

David Hendrickson, PhD

Throughout my career, spanning several decades in the technology sector, I have been fortunate enough to work with both large and small companies, contributing to various successful projects. My experience covers hardware and software, process improvement (Six-Sigma), and engineering management. I love technology especially AI and have several patents on the subject.