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IBM’s Ambitious Quest to Empower Millions

BM’s recent announcement is not just about training; it’s about inclusivity. The tech world has only sometimes been known for its diversity, and it’s heartening to see a giant like IBM taking tangible steps to change that narrative. Their focus on underrepresented communities is both timely and essential. We need diverse voices to shape the future of AI—to ensure that it’s fair, unbiased, and representative of all.

The fact that IBM is collaborating with universities and NGOs worldwide and launching new generative AI coursework through IBM SkillsBuild speaks volumes about their commitment. Their goal to train two million learners in AI by the end of 2026 is ambitious, yet, knowing IBM, it is entirely achievable.

Reading about the AI courses—Prompt-Writing, Improving Customer Service with AI, and Generative AI in Action—I was reminded of my early days—the excitement of learning something new, the thrill of applying knowledge to real-world problems. IBM’s approach of offering these courses for free is commendable. It’s an open invitation to learners worldwide, regardless of their financial background.

IBM’s Vice President and Chief Impact Officer, Justina Nixon-Saintil, said, “AI skills will be essential to tomorrow’s workforce.” I couldn’t agree more. In my 30 years in tech, I’ve learned that adaptability is crucial. Today’s entry-level positions might require advanced AI skills tomorrow. As the tech landscape evolves, so must we.

As I reflect on my journey, I’m filled with gratitude. I am grateful for the opportunities I’ve had, the challenges I’ve overcome, and the knowledge I’ve gained. But I’m also filled with hope. I hope for a future where tech is inclusive, AI is used for the greater good, and the next generation of tech enthusiasts have all the tools and opportunities they need to thrive.

IBM’s commitment is more than just a training program; it’s a ray of hope to aspiring technology workers when a new technology emerges. I’m excited to see where this journey will take us.

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About the Author: David Hendrickson is a tech enthusiast (and gamer, too), always looking for the latest trends. With a keen interest in AI and its potential, David believes in the harmonious coexistence of technology and human creativity.

Source: IBM, “IBM Commits to Train 2 Million in Artificial Intelligence in Three Years, with a Focus on Underrepresented Communities,” 18 Sep 2023.

David Hendrickson, PhD

Throughout my career, spanning several decades in the technology sector, I have been fortunate enough to work with both large and small companies, contributing to various successful projects. My experience covers hardware and software, process improvement (Six-Sigma), and engineering management. I love technology especially AI and have several patents on the subject.