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Why Swisscows is One of the Top 5 Best Free Private Search Engines

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  • Post category:Posts / Tools
  • Post last modified:March 17, 2023
Article Synopsis

With so many private search engines available, which one is the best?  I’ve looked at the top five, and Swisscows stands out as one of the best.  It offers enhanced privacy and numerous other benefits.

With Swisscows, you can shop online without leaving a trace, protect your credentials and research sensitive topics without detection. Plus, you can make Swisscows your default search engine, user-friendly with a simple and uncluttered interface.  Let’s take a look at it.

If you want to learn more about Swisscows, the company is well-documented, and its funding comes from various sources, even donations.

What is Swisscows Private Search Engine

Swisscows offers one of the most secure private search engines out there.  The Swisscows search engine is designed to protect its users from intrusion and displaying inappropriate content.  Swisscows does not use cookies or other tracking technologies, and each search query remains anonymous with no user profile stored.

Swisscow’s data center is located under a mountain, search queries are deleted when not used, and search encrypted when transmitted. They even have their own proprietary web crawler, search index, and an alternative search engine available in select countries.  

Swisscows has taken significant steps to protect its users’ data by building its technology to make storing user data impossible and perform no data collection. Swisscows private search engine cooperates with Microsoft Bing, has 20 years of experience and research in search technologies, and is constantly improving.

Swisscows search results pages are not Google search results but rather Bing search results because it is powered by Microsoft’s technology.  Swisscows uses the Microsoft Bing ad network for revenue generation.

Are private search engines legal to use? Indeed they are!

Top 5 Free Popular Private Search Engines by Download

While I am only looking at Swisscows in this post, other popular search engines are available. Here are the top five downloaded according to Google and Apple.  They are the best truly private search engines, in my opinion.  Other search engines are available, but these are the best private search engines and top downloaded anonymous search engines available.

  1. DuckDuckGo: 10 million
  2. Qwant: 15 thousand
  3. Swisscows: 10 thousand
  4. Gibiru: 10 thousand
  5. StartPage: 1 thousand

Pros of Private Search Engines

Private search engines are search engine services that keep users’ data safe and secure by not collecting or tracking user data. These search engines respect user privacy by not storing any identifying information.

Here are some pros.

Shop Online Privately

If you want to buy something online without others knowing about it or where you’re buying it from, private browsing can help you. It’s an ideal way to search for gifts without the recipient seeing what you have looked at. This can also be useful when looking for surprise trips or gifts for someone else.

Protect Credentials

You can minimize the chances of someone stealing your credentials by preventing your browser from remembering your login details using a private search engine..

Research Sensitive Topics Privately

Private search engines will not reveal search terms as you look at articles and browse through websites. If you don’t want the subject of your research to be discovered, you should do it in a private search engine.  Search engines like Google will take search terms from the search bar and add them to your Google record.

Protect Search History from Eavesdropping

If you use a shared computer, you should always use private browsing mode to ensure other users won’t have access to your browsing history or the files you download. The private search engine can protect your browsing data from the computer’s browser since it won’t store your search history, cookies, or any other search data when you close the window.

Make ISP Snooping Difficult

Finally, private browsing can hide your online presence from your ISP and other third-party tracking services, as private browsing mode prevents them from collecting your search data.

Safe Searching on Public Network

Private search allows users to browse the web without leaving a trace of their online activities, allowing them to keep their online activities private.  While network ip addresses can still be stored on a public network, search engine queries and query results are not stored locally, so the IP, computer, and search data are not linked.

Safe Searching on a Public Computer

Private search is beneficial for those who use public computers. As mentioned, private search does not store passwords, websites visited, or files downloaded, so it ensures that vital information like social media or banking passwords is not recorded. This can protect users from identity theft, as personal information is not recorded.

Prevent Targeted Ads

No annoying targeted ads, no filters, and customized search results page will clutter your search results. Your search queries are hidden from Google.

Prevent Preference Tracking

Private search also prevents search data tracking. Regular browsing sessions are tracked, and the data is used by sites such as search engines and social networks to target ads based on past purchases and interests. Private search prevents this data tracking, so ads cannot be tailored to your browsing history.

Use Multiple Accounts at the Same Time

Private search also allows users to log into different accounts on the same site. For example, if someone needs to log into two other Google accounts simultaneously, they can do this easily with a private search engine. This can be particularly useful for those with work and personal accounts.

Stop Viruses and Malware

Private search can help protect against viruses and malware. Private search bars do not allow add-ons, so it is more challenging to install viruses and malware. This can help to keep the computer safe from security threats.

Provide Unbiased Search Results

Private search engines allow users to get an unbiased search results page by seeing results not influenced by your search activities. This process returns search results with the most variety of perspectives and news.

Support a Cause

Using a private search engine that supports a cause is a great way to have your search activities make a positive difference in the world. Private search engines ensure that your searches are anonymous and secure while helping generate funds to make a difference in people’s lives.

In conclusion, private search has numerous benefits, from protecting users from identity theft to providing a secure online environment. It is an excellent tool for keeping online activities confidential and preventing data tracking. It is also helpful for logging into multiple accounts and protecting against viruses and malware.

Cons of Private Search Engines

Private search limits the information the browser stores about a user’s activity. It is designed to provide privacy, as it helps users keep their browsing history and activity private. However, one should be aware of several cons of private browsing, as you should have a false sense of security when using a private search engine.

Your internet service provider and big search engines can still track your activity.

Private browsing does not make users completely anonymous. Although it prevents websites from tracking the user’s activity, it does not store the user’s ip address or identity.  As such, websites can still collect the user’s information and use it for marketing or other purposes. ISPs and popular search engines buy and sell data and cross-reference related information. That’s how they can still track you.

It does not prevent websites from recording your activity. 

A user’s activity may still be tracked even when private browsing. For example, if a user is logged into a website or service, the website can still follow the user’s activity with tokens or browser signatures. Furthermore, some websites may use cookies to track a user’s activity even when private browsing is enabled on the browser.

Advanced features are not available.

Private browsing can be inconvenient for users. When using private search, certain browser features may not be available. For example, autofill features may not be available, and some websites may not display correctly.

Searches are not saved.

Saved searches allow you to recall quickly and access data you’ve already identified as relevant or essential. This saves you time, not re-entering the same search parameters each time you want to browse the web.  All the best search engines do this to collect your data.

When you need to access the same data repeatedly, saved searches can save you time by allowing you to quickly access the information you need rather than manually re-enter the search parameters.

Private search can be accomplished in other ways.

You can still surf anonymously without private search engines.  Private browsing on popular Browser software can be enabled. Many browsers allow users to enable private browsing, so many details are hidden from the browser’s maker. However, browsers still allow third-party applications to access the user’s data even when private browsing is enabled.

No tailored results

Tailored search results provide users with more relevant and personalized content, making their search experience more manageable and ensuring that users are only presented with content that is most relevant to their query, thus increasing the quality of the search results.

Not completely virus and malware safe.

Finally, private browsing is not foolproof. For example, files downloaded during a private browsing session will remain on the user’s computer, and websites may still be able to track the user’s activity. In addition, if a user’s computer is compromised, all of the user’s browsing activity may be exposed, including activity done in private browsing mode.

Overall, private browsing helps protect one’s privacy, but it is not a foolproof solution. It is essential to be aware of the limitations of private browsing so that users can decide whether to use it.

Where to Find Swisscows private search

Now that we have discussed the pros and cons of private search engines, you are informed about private search engines.

Swisscows can be found online, in Google Play and Apple Stores.

Swisscows is available for Chrome and Firefox browsers, so you can easily install it.

How to Download and Install Swisscows Private Search

To download and install Swisscows, open the web store for your browser (e.g., Chrome Web Store) and search for Swisscows.Click the ‘Add to Chrome’ or ‘Add to Firefox’ button and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Once the installation is complete, you should see the Swisscows search engine in your browser’s search bar. You can now use it to search online securely without compromising your privacy.

Here is a step by step to downloading Swisscows


  1. Go to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and search for “Swisscows Search.”
  2. Tap the app’s icon and select “Install” to start downloading and installing.
  3. Once the installation is complete, open the app, and you are ready.


  1. You can also download the extension for your browser from the official website.
  2. Go to the official Swisscows website and click the “Download” link.
  3. Select the type of browser that you are using and click on the “Download” button.
  4. Once the download is complete, open the browser and click the “Add Extension” button.
  5. Select the downloaded extension file and click the “Install” button.
  6. Once the installation is complete, you can use the Swisscows Search on your browser.

Is Swisscows Private Search User-Friendly?

The short answer is YES.  It is very, very user-friendly.  

One textbox to enter your search and a dropdown for all settings.

The search results page is simple and provides valuable and relevant search results and minimal search ads.  A preview button to the right of the page’s link provides a quick view of the page.

How to Make Swisscows Private Search Your Default?



Swisscows is among the top 5 best free private search engines available today. It provides its users with enhanced privacy by not using cookies or other tracking technologies, and each search query remains anonymous with no user profile. It also offers the ability to shop online without leaving a trace, credential security, and sensitive research topics without detection. Additionally, it provides unbiased search results, allows for multiple accounts simultaneously, and blocks malware and viruses. Finally, users can make Swisscows their default search engine, and it is user-friendly, with a simple and uncluttered interface with instructions and settings available on the main page. With the many benefits and features it offers, it is no wonder Swisscows is one of the top 5 best free private search engines.

John Keller

I love technology and have worked in the tech industry for many years as a Dev and Leader. I love writing about technology, buying gadgets, and when not writing or working, I like skiing and hiking in the mountains of Washington State.